Welcome to Mathematics Program Area
Program Head
Daniel Ariza
Assistant Program Head
Dan Scholtz
Anghel, Daliana
Ariza, Daniel
Bendia, Christine
Chaudhari, Anna
Collins, Lisa
DiGiuseppe, David
Gmach, Chris
Hesch, Melissa
Lacalamita, David
Muscat, Julie
Nowak, Karin
Reist, Matt
Schnute, Dylan
Scholtz, Dan
Sawchuk, Sue
Sullivan, John
Trunov, Irina
Vermette, Amy
Winnett, Anna
Zack, Emily
General Math Programming Information
Advanced Placement (AP) at St. Mary’s main page
Introduction – Advanced Placement (AP) and Advanced Placement Prep Math
The AP Prep Mathematics program at St. Mary’s High School is an enrichment program that caters to motivated students that have a passion for math. While students can join this math stream at any point in their high school math career, getting off to a good start in grade 9 is always best.
Students who complete the Advanced Placement (AP) course in grade 12 are exceptionally well prepared for first year university programs in math, science, engineering and technology programs.
Students must be highly motivated and prepared to work hard. Grade 8 students will register for Grade 9 Destreamed Math (MTH1W) and then are encouraged to take MPM2DP after successful collaboration and problem solving in Grade 9.
Recommended Course Progression
- grade 9 – Math Destreamed – MTH1W
- grade 10 – Math AP Prep – MPM2DP
- grade 11 – AP Prep Functions MCR3UP – Semester 1
- grade 11 – Advanced Functions *MHF4UI – Semester 2
- grade 12 – AP Calculus and Vectors **MCV4UP – Semester 1
- grade 12 – AP Calculus (and Data Management) MDM4UP – Semester 2
Big Ideas
Beginning in September of the 2021-2022 school year, the former Applied (MFM1P) and Academic (MPM1D) math courses have been replaced by a single destreamed grade 9 math course (MTH1W)
Grade 9 math: a guide for parents
Knowledgehook, is now a Board approved “Green Tool”. It is an online, interactive math resource that will support student learning. It will provide additional math support and instruction for learning in the classroom and also be used for differentiated home-practice. If you have any questions or concerns about this program please speak to the classroom teacher.
Grade 9 & 10 Math Homework Help – semester 1 – 2023-2024 – start date: Oct. 25, days: Mondays & Wednesdays, time: 3:10-4:10, location: room 115
TVO Mathify – online tutors – grades 6 – 11 – Ontario certified teachers
BHNmath – YouTube video lessons: grade 9 linear relations and pythagorean theorem, as well as some advanced functions & some vectors
JensenMath.ca – grades 9 – 12 – YouTube video lessons, worksheets with solutions, practice texts, summary sheets
Khan Academy – Online Videos – Math
University of Waterloo – Centre for Education in Mathematics & Computing (CEMC) – courseware
EQAO – Grade 9 Math Test
- written towards the end of each semester – please ask your Math teacher for specific dates
- general information on the test from the EQAO
- online sample test from EQAO
- released questions – November 2023 – from the EQAO (printable pdf)
- click HERE to view a Google Document with Sample Questions, Answers, Rubrics, Formula Sheets
Join the Math Team to try challenging Mathematical problems, collaborate, problem solve, and meet like-minded Mathematicians in Room 108 every Wednesday from 3:oo pm-4:30 pm. There is a focus on Math Contests and pushing our abilities!
Math Team Google Classroom Code: BVGKUCM
University of Waterloo — Math Contests Page
(the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC))
2022-2023 academic year – CEMC Math Contest dates
- Pascal (Gr. 9)
- Cayley (Gr. 10)
- Fermat (Gr. 11)
- Canadian Computing Competition (all grades)
- Euclid (senior secondary school students)
- Fryer (Gr. 9)
- Galois (Gr. 10)
- Hypatia (Gr. 11)
- November 16, 2022 – Canadian Intermediate Math Contest (Grades 9 &10)
- November 16, 2022 – Canadian Senior Math Contest (Grades 11 & 12)
- October – tba
- November – tba
- December – tba
- January – tba
- February – tba
- March – tba
- tba
- EUCLiDEA – Interactive Geometric Puzzles
- desmos – Marble Slides – games to improve understanding of equations of lines and curves
Do I need to take Academic-level Math?
After Grade 9 Mathematics (MTH1W), most students will have the option to take either MPM2D (Academic) or MFM2P (Applied) Mathematics. Both pathways can eventually lead to all University-level courses, however the Applied stream would take one additional credit to get there. It is recommended that if the student finds difficulty in MTH1W, they are able to take MFM2P, continue building on foundational skills, then take MPM2D. Teachers are excellent resources in helping decide which course would benefit students most at that moment in time.
You should always have the END in mind. What grade 12 math course(s) will be required when you apply to your college or university program? We know that;
- You likely don’t know now, what you’ll want to study then.
- You probably “don’t want to shut any doors” in grade 9
Starting in the Applied program won’t close any doors and you’ll still be able to pursue your desired post-secondary program.
Most students find that they do not need and, therefore, do not take the two highest courses in grade 12 math (MHF4U and MCV4U). Generally, you’ll need this level of math if you are going to study a math-related post-secondary program like engineering, science, computer-science, etc at the university level. This means that you will only need MCR3U if you plan to take those two courses. (If you move to the Grade 10 Applied stream, you can still get there! You are NOT shutting any doors.)
Some social-science programs will require the other grade 12 “U” math (MDM4U – Data Management) for the statistics; but you can reach that course from both the Academic and the Applied Stream also.
Pie Day – March 14th – 3.14…