St. Mary’s offers a huge variety of competitive teams and athletic opportunities…
…Get involved! Just do it!
St. Mary’s is a AAA division school in D8 which is a division of CWOSSA and OFSAA athletics.
FALL Sports Tryouts Info – 2024-2025 – please see EagleVision announcements
The current Athletics Participation Forms must be completed.
For the 2024/2025 Season, student athletes are required to complete all four of the following forms:
- Sport & Recreation Consent Form – 2023-2024 (distributed by coach)
- General Athletics/Participation contract – 2024-2025
- Concussion Code of Conduct for Student on School Cash Online SCHOOL CASH ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS .
- Concussion Code of Conduct for Parent/Guardian on School Cash Online SCHOOL CASH ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS .
- Transportation of Students Consent Form distributed by coach
Transferring to St. Mary’s from another high school? DISTRICT 8 TRANSFER POLICY APPEAL FORM – 2024-2025
Track & Field Records: 2004 – 2018 – SMH Track & Field records