GRADUATION = completing all the requirements to earn your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
click HERE for GRADUATION requirements and look under “What do I need to graduate?”

CONVOCATION = ceremony to celebrate the Class of 2025
(the Class of 2025 is the group of students who started grade 9 in 2021 and are at the end of their 4th year of high school)
– you do NOT have to complete ALL GRAD REQUIREMENTS to participate in convocation
– you can ONLY attend convocation ONCE, at the end of your 4th year, unless advised differently by your guidance counselor.

Convocation 2025

Save the date!

Graduation Photographs

  • Sittings may be booked to take place at St. Mary’s December 9th-20th, or March 3rd-7th, or March 17th-21st
    to book a graduation photo sitting at St Mary’s HS – click HERE
  • Students who missed sittings at St. Mary’s may book directly through Edge Imaging in Guelph

Convocation Fees – Payments to be made February 10 – April 4, 2025 (on School Cash Online)

  • $75 – Convocation ceremony, including souvenir keepsake gown, cap and sash
  • $20 – Souvenir gown, cap and sash ONLY (no ceremony)
  • $10 – Optional Grad Breakfast – Tuesday, May 27, 2025
  • NOTE: convocation fees do not include tickets for audience members.

Ticket Purchases – Completed through Kitchener Memorial Auditorium (more details coming soon)

  • Each family will be allocated 10 tickets at a cost of $10 per ticket
  • Tickets may be purchased:
    • online: tbd
    • by phone: tbd
    • in person: tbd

Community Awards (see below) – Applications available February 5 – April 30, 2025

Grade 12 Meeting – Wednesday, February 12, 2025 during period 2 in Alumni Hall

  • Convocation Infocoming soon

  • Graduation Infocoming soon

Class of 2025 Spirit Wear – check School Cash Online to order

Grad Retreat

  • date: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
  • time: TBD
  • location: Mt. Mary Retreat Centre, Ancaster
  • Permission Form must be completed and submitted prior to the retreat
  • Cost is $35 to cover transportation and site fees, payable through School Cash Online
  • Information Letter and Permission Form – TBD (hard copies available outside Deacon Ed’s office)


  • Nominate Candidates for the Valedictorians of 2025 – click TBD – deadline TBD

  • Only a St. Mary’s student in grade 12 may nominate a fellow student to be a valedictorian candidate. You may nominate yourself.

  • In order to be considered as a candidate for valedictorian, a student must fulfill the following criteria:
    – be involved in a positive leadership role in school activities
    – maintain a strong academic record
    – have exemplary attendance
    – participate in making a difference in the community
    The list of nominees who meet the requirements and have the most nominations will be reviewed by the graduation committee, administration and guidance to create a short list of candidates who reflect an equitable representation of the graduating class.
    All Graduates will have the opportunity to vote for 2 Valedictorian Candidates from the list of qualified nominees

Photos from the convocation ceremony held on Thursday, June 13, 2024 (last year)
This is a password protected page, to honour students’ privacy.
The password is printed in the Convocation Programme, or use this google form to receive the password.
You must be logged in to your WCDSB account to access the form and receive the password.

Graduation Awards & Scholarships

To apply for the following awards, complete the Community Sponsored Awards Application, found HERE, – submitting the ONE application will make you eligible for consideration for ALL Community & Faculty Awards listed below.

Students should also consult the Post-Secondary and Career Planning page on the St. Mary’s website for additional awards and scholarships that require a specific application process with the organization.


Presented to a student pursuing post-secondary education, who resided in this community during high school, with an outstanding record in volunteerism

Award:  $500


Presented to an all-around student who has demonstrated community and school involvement

Award:  2 @ $250


Presented to a student pursuing post-secondary education, who resided in this community during high school, with an outstanding record in volunteerism

Award:  $200 (donated by SMH)


Presented to the student who has made significant contribution to the quality of student life and whose character and accomplishments exemplify the mission of the school

Award:  $500


An award for students who work toward the betterment of the world through a commitment to social justice

Award:  $300


An award presented to a student continuing with post-secondary education for academic achievement, involvement in extra-curriculars and community service

Award: $300


Presented to a student with strong Catholic faith, outstanding commitment to social justice and plans for post-secondary education

Award: $300


Presented to a female student for academic achievement and outstanding community service

Award: $500


Presented to a student who has demonstrated good academic and or personal achievement and will be attending post-secondary education

Award: $125


Presented to a student with exemplary volunteerism with the needy.

Award: $250


For a student of excellent character who is continuing to post-secondary studies and is engaged in civic activities.

Award: $1,000

Faculty-Selected Awards Determined by Criteria:


Awarded to a student (as determined by the student’s Gr. 11 and Gr. 12 Pre-AP teacher) who demonstrates a high level of dedication to the study of English. The qualifications for this scholarship will not be based on marks, but on commitment to literature and the arts. I.e. This student may not have the highest mark in their English studies, but they demonstrate a profound passion for learning/love of English. Criteria to consider throughout grade 11 and grade 12

1) completion of grade 11 and 12 pre-AP English courses
2) participation and enthusiasm in English classes
3) thoughtful engagement with works chosen for class, either in discussion or in papers
4) high quality of writing and communication skills
5) extra-curricular involvement with literature. Examples could be, but are not limited to: submissions to writing contests, involvement in literacy programs, participation in drama productions, enrolment in more than one English class per year, etc.
6) independent learner
7) thinks outside the box
8) risk taker

Award: $1,500


Awarded to a student in need, originally from the Middle East, who has endured hardships, and is hoping to enroll in a practical, one- or two-year program at Conestoga College. Must also meet the following additional criteria:

1) Financial need
2) Involvement in their Christian Faith Community
3) Academically successful with demonstrated commitment to personal goals

Award: $5,000


Presented to a student who has demonstrated exceptional quality in hospitality services

Award: $200


Awarded to two students who exemplify the school’s mission statement

Award: 2 @ $250


Presented to one male and one female for outstanding achievement at the college level or workplace level.

Award: 2 @ $500


Awarded to a student for personal achievement and a positive attitude in the school community

Award: $250


Presented to a student with an informed moral conscience, who takes initiative, demonstrates Christian leadership in a quiet, subtle manner and leads by example

Award: $100


Donated by the award winning staff to students who have shown dedication, perseverance, and personal accomplishment in preparing for post-secondary studies

Award: 2 @ $200


Presented for school dedication and citizenship goes above and beyond the requirements of their position in serving the St. Mary community

Award: $200


Presented to 2 students who have shown qualities of determination as new Canadians and who will be pursuing post-secondary education

Award: $200


Presented to a University bound student, a College bound student and a student bound for the World of Work who have demonstrated student excellence based on criteria that includes the OCGE (needs to have taken Workplace English).

Award: plaque


Presented to students whose actions embody the 7 Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.

Awards: 7 medals


For a student enrolled in the SHSM Health Sciences Program and pursuing a post secondary program in Health Sciences.

Award: $500


For independent and entrepreneurial spirit with good citizenship and volunteerism

Award: $500


Student pursuing Arts in Post-Secondary who has demonstrated excellence in Academics (Arts) & Co-curricular contributions

Award: $300


The award is presented by Kitchener-Waterloo Kiwanis to a deserving graduating Key Clubber as recommended by the Faculty Advisor and Kiwanis Advisor.

Award: $800


Presented to a student who is pursuing an apprenticeship and has demonstrated excellence in their pursuit of this goal.

Award: $100


Presented to a student who has contributed to enriching the school and faith community and created a place for all in our school community, through their acts of compassion, caring, inclusion and kindness by exhibiting perseverance, determination, and follow through.

Award: $125

Academic Awards (no application process):


Presented to the female with the highest academic average in 6 university level courses.

Award: $150 + book


Presented to the female student with the highest average in grade 12 University level Chemistry

Award: $150


Scholarship for general proficiency (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th highest graduating average)

Award: 4 @ $250


Presented for academic merit to 1st, 2nd, 3rd highest averages of top 6 gr. 12 U/C, M or C courses

Award: 3 @ $200


Presented to a student who has shown academic excellence (2nd highest graduating average)

Award: $300


Presented to the student with highest academic standing (1st highest graduating average)

Award: $200


Presented to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence (3rd highest graduating average)

Award: $200

Awards with a Special Application Process – Apply Directly to the Donor:


Presented to a graduating student who has displayed an active involvement in the parish. Check the parish bulletin for details.


The Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region has recently established the Awards of Distinction program honouring Catholic secondary school graduates who demonstrated exemplary performance in one or more of the award categories through academic achievement and participation in extra-curricular school activities.

  1. Literary Arts
  2. Performing Arts
  3. Athleticism
  4. Math, Science, or Technology
  5. Faith and Social Justice
  6. Catholic Youth Leadership

Link to Information and Application Form.

Award: $100 each


See your Guidance Counsellor for more details – Applications due in grade 11

Presented to the deserving student from each Secondary School who has demonstrated motivation and change and has grown both personally and academically as a result of their involvement in the Specialist High Skills Major Program.

application process – printable pdf document
