
If you are in need of mental health support, please do not hesitate to come to the guidance office without an appointment. Outside school hours, a list of community supports may be found here.

Use the links below to book an appointment with your guidance counsellor.  Remember you must enter your email address (not or you will not receive the email about your appointment.

Guidance Counselors are pausing online appointment bookings temporarily to facilitate semester two scheduling and course selection presentations. Appointment bookings will reopen on Monday, February 10th.

If you have an emergency or are in crisis, please stop by the Guidance office during the school day, and we will help you.

If you are looking for course selection assistance, please take advantage of our lunchtime help. The dates will be finalized and posted as soon as possible.

If you are looking to make a course change request for semester 2, please use the link to the form below. You must have parent/guardian approval before completing the form.
Please note the following:
-we do not rearrange timetables
-we do not change lunches
-we do not accommodate teacher requests
Link to Course Change Request form:
-Course change requests are due by: Friday, February 7th

( A – Boz )

( Bra – Gay )

( Geb – Lic )

( Lid – Ngu, ACTIVE & Community Living )

( Nic – San + Int’l & ICP Program)

( Sap – Z )