St. Mary’s High School is proud to have a Vimy Ridge Oak tree on our campus.

This oak tree (Quercus rober, aka:  common or pedunculate or European or English oak), is a true descendant of one of the Vimy Ridge acorns sent home to Canada by Lt. Leslie H. Miller, (Canadian Expeditionary Force), who named the trees grown from these acorns (on his family’s farm in Scarborough, Ontario), the ‘Vimy Oaks.’  (Vimy Oaks Legacy)

This oak tree is a small (but significant!) part of our greater, long-term Community Legacy Project


Vimy Oak sapling – transplant day – Oct. 11, 2018

To learn more, visit the links below:


Vimy Ridge battlefield – France – April 1917 – by: Adam Moran, Victoria Goodwin and Sarah Toole


Vimy Ridge Memorial